
Things to do when you are bored

Things when you are bored

Some of the things that you could do if you are bored could be use your computer,sketch,and read.What you could do if you have a computer is watch Youtube ,movies,and shows or on the TV.You could also sketch or paint things when you get bored.Then you could also read books or mangas if you don't know what else to do.Reading books could also help you relief stress so does painting and sketching and you can express yourself when painting or sketching.Also watching movies or shows can also help you get distarcted and entertained by watching something on the TV or on any other device.

Good shows or animes to watch

Good shows or animes to watch

If you like to watch anime and don't know what to watch then I recommend you to watch Dragon Ball Z,Demon Slayer,and Dr Stone.If youw also like to see shows I recommend to watch Malcolm in the Middle since it is a very funny show.

Games to play

Games to play

Most of the games that I think are good are on the PS4 or on other devices.The games that I would say that are good on the PS4 and on the computer would be Street Fighter,Security Breach,Marvel Spider-Man,Pac Man,and Five Nights at Freddy.

Things to do when you want to have fun

Things to do when you want to have fun

If you don't know what to do for fun then you could try to find a new hobby to do that sounds fun and intresting to do.Some of the things that I recomend is to take a walk,start a puzzle,try to plant a plant of your choice and many other things.